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July so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
Total Entries: 19564
This Months Entries: 5
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maker (3 entries)
squiz (2 entries)
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squiz (Stoke Factor: 6 )

Member Details Session Description
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Owner: squiz

Member#: 6644
Registered: 27-05-2007
Diary Entries: 2939

18th September 2011
Hiking - Walking: Rocamadour-France
Wind Direction:
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Weather: sunny periods
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Distance Covered:

Sunday 18th Sept 2011 Travelling, Sightseeing and walking – sunny periods
I had a cracking night’ s sleep in the van by Lac Pardoux but Mag didn’t she was up in the night reading listening to the rain on the van roof!!! As we were so’ooooooooooooo close to the Lac it was hair washing time again - we are getting used to doing it with cold water!!! Then after breakfast Mag gives my hair a trim before a quick stroll around the Lac. Then it’s off to the free section of motorway to Brive. We stop off at a couple of service stations en route to try and get wifi with no luck but Rob texted saying no wind in La franqui this week so I can relax :) At the end of the free road we decide to head for Cahors and then along the River Lot but get as far as Soulliac on the Dordogne and see a sign for Rocamadour a town built into the side of a cliff! We find a great place to stop at the top overlooking the town for lunch and a German couple admire our van :) Then we walk along the top road and join the tourist masses exploring Rocamadour from top to bottom including a bus load of Japanese tourists with camera’s snapping :) There were ramparts at the top but we couldn’t get in as needed a 2 Euro coin and we didn’t have any change. Continued down the windy path with a shrine at each corner to the Chapels and as it was Sunday there was a service in progress. We then walked through the old town now turned into shops selling a million things you just don’t want from African wood carvings to leather handbags plus the usual tacky touristy stuff :( It was a long trek uphill to the van, then we drove down and parked at the back of the car park on the grass for tea and biscuits. As it had been a hectic day we decided to stay here the night, relax and read for a bit before setting off along the footpath near our van heading down the gorge by the dried up river at about six. The scenery was lovely, high cliffs covered in trees with buzzards soaring high above us :) after about an hour we found a small wooden bridge where we sat and ate the walnuts and hazelnuts we had collected from the trees :) Back at the van for dinner Mags special potatoes, spam and eggs – top meal!!! Then after washing up at 9:30 with not a cloud in the sky and very dark we headed back to town with wind up torches in hand to check out the floodlit Rocamadour – it was wonderful :) and the sight of the small white tourist train packed heading up the mountain road was a sight to behold !!! Then just as we had finished taking photos making us look like ghosts in front of the illuminated town it started to pour! So much for the clear sky we set out with – it just made it more fun though :)

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